Karen Hernández
Asistente Ejecutiva | Traductora | Notaria Pública | Oficiante
Sobre mí
Hola! Soy Karen (pero no de las malas 🤪). Gracias a mi experiencia profesional como asistente ejecutiva y en recursos humanos, soy adepta en administrar calendarios y reuniones diarias y semanales. También actúo como el enlace principal entre la administración y otros departamentos. Mi experience incluye supervisar y coordinar viajes domésticos e internacionales para ejecutivos y eventos. Soy competente en crear procedimientos operativos y he demostrado un nivel alto de experiencia administrativa y operacionales. Mis habilidades abilidades comunicativas e interactivas me dan la habilidad de motivar y inspirar a mis compañeros. Tengo un historial de poder hacer muchas cosas al mismo tiempo en ambientes de ritmos acelerados y puedo contribuir a cualquier equipo, demonstrando mi dedicación a confidencialidad y atención a detalles. En mi tiempo libre, me gusta ver deportes - fútbol, hockey, fútbol americano, y basketball! (Arriba Celtics!)
Soy traductora certificada de inglés a español y viceversa, y interesada en trabajo independiente.
También soy oficiante en el area del contado de Bergen, NJ.
¡Enviarme un correo electrónico si tienes alguna pregunta o consulta!

Samantha Sakun,
Karen is the epitome of a go-getter and team player. Although we started around roughly the same time, her work ethic and fast learning made me think she had been in the role for even longer! She always took the initiative to help us while also managing her own work. I'm glad I had the opportunity to work with Karen. I know she will succeed in any role she chooses.
Kris Sugatan,
CEO of Sugatan
As the CEO of Sugatan, I often hear about rising stars & Karen was one of them. She was part of a group of hires when I envisioned building a New York team but when things went sideways unexpectedly, the need for a New York team was no longer necessary & all NY teams had to be dispatched, with Karen being the only person we kept bc of the potential she exhibited. Eventually, the NY team was replaced with a Europe team & the time zone difference posed as the challenge.
Karen was offboarded as a result but through no fault of her skills & commitment. She’s a stellar team player & whoever will snatch her will be lucky!
Thank you for putting in your energy until the very end, Karen!
Divya Rallabhandi,
1440 Foods HR Director
Working with Karen is a pleasure. She is efficient, organized, and detail oriented. When I assign a task to her, I can be sure that it will be complete, and she is pro-active in letting me know if she runs into a challenge.
She goes above and beyond her job to get things done at work and does so with a smile on her face. She will be an asset to any organization with her positive and can-do attitude.

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